Reference: 04-0012
Brand: SDRplay
SDRPlay nRSP-ST 1kHz - 2GHz
SDRPay are aiming to launch the nRSP-ST in time for the holiday shopping season and aiming at a price of just under $500 USD before tax. (6000-6500SKr incl Tax) “
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Reference: 04-0012
Brand: SDRplay
SDRPay are aiming to launch the nRSP-ST in time for the holiday shopping season and aiming at a price of just under $500 USD before tax. (6000-6500SKr incl Tax) “
Reference: 04-0011
Brand: SDRplay
The improvements we’ve achieved with the redesign are: 1. Compared to the RSPdx, the RSPdx-R2 has significantly improved noise performance below 1MHz (i.e. for some MF, LF and below). 2. It has improved dynamic range below 2MHz both in tuner mode
Reference: FDM-DUOR
Brand: Elad
An SDR receiver from Elad that also works without a computer!
Reference: 01-1210
Brand: Icom